2024 Active School Travel Story Contest

Are you a teacher from the Thames Valley District School Board or the London District Catholic School Board? The St. Thomas Elgin London Middlesex Oxford Active & Safe Routes to School Steering Committee is celebrating International iWalk Month by asking students to develop media presentations designed to learn about how students get to and from school each day.

How does your journey to school keep you safe, active, and help the environment?

Who is Eligible?

Students who attend elementary schools in the Thames Valley District School Board or the London District Catholic School Board can participate in this contest. The submissions must be submitted by the teacher and prizes will be awarded to the classroom.

How Can my Students Participate?

We ask students to work alone or in groups to create a story that answers the question: “How does your journey to school keep you safe, active, and help the environment?” They are asked to create a story, which can be shared through a drawing, poster, short story, video, or another creative medium that will allow students to express themselves. To get some ideas on how to incorporate this contest into your class, use our Active Travel Story Lesson Plan.

Examples of Story Ideas

Kindergarten: Students can draw or colour pictures of children travelling to school by bus, walking, scooter, or the car. The drawing could include examples of why they like to travel to school that way. Teachers can help them write a description of what the poster shows.

Primary: A class could put together a picture book, where pairs of students who use the same mode of travel can draw a picture of them traveling to school and write 1 to 2 sentences explaining how it keeps students safe, active, and helps the environment.

Junior: Students can complete a research project learning how taking the bus or actively travel to school can increase safety, keep children active, and help the environment. Their research can then be turned into a scripted video so they share their resulting research with the world.

Intermediate: Students can write a short story, record a vlog, or record a podcast to provide an example of their “day in the life” of traveling to school, including details about how their mode keeps them safe and active while helping the environment.

How to Submit?

All story submissions must be submitted by the student’s teacher to our Active School Travel Story Contest Portal by Friday, November 18, 2024 at 11:59pm. If you are not a teacher, then please contact your child’s teacher to ensure they are able to participate.

Winning Submissions

Five submissions will be selected to win the 2024 Active School Travel Story Contest. Each of the winning classrooms will receive a $100 gift card to Walmart. We encourage teachers to spend the money on items that can be used by the class for Daily Physical Activity or recess activities.

Submit your story by November 18, 2024 at 11:59pm for your chance to win one of five $100 gift cards for your classroom!

Any Questions?

If you have questions or would like more information about the contest, you can use the Contact Us Form to connect with our co-chair, Andrew Clark.

Previous Winning Story Submissions

Our 2019 Active School Travel Story Contest winners had their winning submissions turned into videos. See the winning stories below:

The ELMO ASRTS Partnership hosted a story contest in Spring 2019 asking children to write a story highlighting the benefits of Active School Travel. This video was created by Maham at Sir Arthur Currie Public School in London, Ontario, Canada.
The ELMO ASRTS Partnership hosted a story contest in Spring 2019 asking children to write a story highlighting the benefits of Active School Travel. Students at Princess Elizabeth French Immersion Public School (London, ON) and Wilberforce Public School (Lucan, ON) created story books. We then created an iSpy video integrating the art work!