Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) Resources

Pedestrian Responsibilities at PXOs

An image sharing the responsibilies of pedestrians at a Pedestrian Crossover

Active and Safe Routes to School (ASRTS) committee and London-Middlesex Road Safety committee (LMRSC) collaborated to develop this educational resource to promote the safe and accurate use of roundabouts in elementary school communities.

City of London and PXOs

City of London and PXOs

This infographic created by the City of London showcases helpful information for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers when using crossovers to ensure that all methods of transport are doing so safely.

Driving Safely at a PXO

Driving Safely at a PXO

This video is promoting the messaging that was created for our Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) campaign. This video will specifically will focus on the role of drivers at pedestrian crossovers.

Crossing Safely at a PXO

Crossing Safely at a PXO

This video is promoting the messaging that was created for our Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) campaign. This videos will specifically target pedestrians and cyclists.