Multimodal Travel

Walking School Bus

A ‘Walking School Bus’ is group of children, accompanied by adult volunteers, who walk or wheel along an established route together, collecting more children as they go to make the trip to and from school safer and more sociable.

Active School Travel Maps

Active School Travel Maps

Cars dropping students off create traffic mayhem. A potential solution is to provide schools and families with resources that provide alternative options to dropping off and picking up students directly in front of their school. Active School Travel Maps are great visual tools that helps families to choose alternate locations to park

Wayfinding Signs Toolkit

Wayfinding Signs

School wayfinding signs indicate directions, walking and cycling travel times from different points in the surrounding neighbourhood to the school. These signs are placed on selected routes that have high-volume foot and vehicle traffic for more exposure.

Community Mapping Lesson Plan

Community Mapping Lesson Plan

An interdisciplinary approach providing students with an opportunity to actively contribute to their school community by producing a digital map of the active transportation options.

Curriculum Connections

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The Active & Safe Routes to School program is primarily a parent-driven program but there are many opportunities for the involvement of students through classroom activities that link to the new Ontario Curriculum. As well, other school related groups and users can be engaged in the program, e.g. Environmental Clubs,

Lesson Plans – Pollution You Can See

In this healthy living and science lesson plan, grade 1 to 8 students will explore where and why air pollution accumulates. Students are introduced to air pollution and its sources. After working together to build air pollution catchers, students will get hands on practice collecting particulate matter from various areas

Lesson Plans – iSpy Treasure Hunt

Lesson Plans - iSpy Treasure Hunt

In this active living lesson plan, grade 1 to 8 students will explore what they see along their trip to and from school. Students will be introduced to various traffic and community signs they may see in their neighborhoods. As a class, students will work together to create a one-page

Lesson Plans – Idling Car Information Cards

Lesson Plans - Idling Car Information Cards

In this healthy living, and science focused lesson plan, grade 1 to 8 students will investigate the importance of turning off car engines and how idling may affect their health, learning abilities, and the environment. After discussing anti-idling as a class, students will create their own information cards that can

Lesson Plans – Greening of the Trees

In this active, healthy living, and science focused lesson plan, grade 1 to 8 students are encouraged to use cleaner modes of travel to and from school. Students colour leaves based on the method of travel and place them on a tree. This builds student’s visual awareness that the cleaner

Lesson Plans – Calculate Co2 Emissions

Lesson Plans - Calculate Co2 Emissions

In this healthy living, mathematics, and science focused lesson plan, grade 5 to 8 students will explore the impact of idling vehicles on air quality. Students get hands on practice calculating CO2 emissions from idling vehicles. Students will also build their awareness of air pollution at schools and how this