Resources List

Idle Free for the Kids

Check out the wonderful videos that were created by the project team about Anti-Idling.

Benefits of Walking to the Bus Stop & Taking the Bus to School

Check out the wonderful videos that were created by the project team about Walking to…

School Safety Patrol

The School Safety Patrol program is a partnership between CAA, the police, school boards, teachers,…

Walking School Bus

A ‘Walking School Bus’ is group of children, accompanied by adult volunteers, who walk or…

Active School Travel Maps

Cars dropping students off create traffic mayhem. A potential solution is to provide schools and…

Active Travel Safety Videos

Videos are a great way to educate and encourage students to choose active and sustainable…

Safety Tips for Students

The Active & Safe Routes to School (ASRTS) partnership has developed the ‘Active School Travel…

Safety Tips for Parents sheets

11 Steps you can take to increase your child’s safety walking to school. Arabic (PDF)…

City of London link

A roundabout is a circular intersection where two or more roads meet. Traffic circulates through…

Social Media Infographics

Roundabout Newsletter 1 (PDF) Roundabout Newsletter 2 (PDF) Roundabout Newsletter 3 (PDF) Roundabout Newsletter 4…
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